randomized controlled trial
some concerns about risk of bias
Camostat Mesilate
2x100 mg pills 3 times daily (every 8h) for 5 days.
2 pills 3 times daily for 5 days.
2:1 ratio. Some patients received remdesivir and/or dexamethasone as standard of care. All participants also received prophylactic or therapeutic anticoagulatory treatment.
COVID 19 all comers
documented COVID-19 infection as evidenced by positive PCR (or comparable clinical assay) for SARS-coV-2 ; less than 48 hours since time of hospital admission OR if hospital-acquired COVID-19 is suspected, less than 48 hrs since onset of symptoms
Denmark (8 sites), Sweden (1 site).
Phase IIa. The scale consisted of the following categories: 1, not hospitalized with resumption of normal activities; 2, not hospitalized, but unable to resume normal activities; 3, hospitalized, not requiring supplemental oxygen; 4, hospitalized, requiring supplemental oxygen; 5, hospitalized, requiring high-flow oxygen therapy or noninvasive ventilation;6, hospitalized, requiring invasive mechanical ventilation; and 7,death. After discharged, phone interviews were conducted up to day 30 to monitor treatment adherence and clinical status.