published meta-analysis   sensitivity analysis   studies

potential COVID-19 treatments in COVID 19 hospitalized - Summary of results

OutcomeTE95% CInkI2ROBPub. bias 14-days deathsdetailed resultsConPlas-19, 2020 0.56 [0.20; 1.57] DAWN-Plasma, 2021 0.61 [0.24; 1.55] NCT04397757, 2021 0.47 [0.04; 5.45] Sekine (PLACOVID), 2021 2.14 [0.70; 6.58] 0.82[0.42; 1.61]ConPlas-19, 2020, DAWN-Plasma, 2021, NCT04397757, 2021, Sekine (PLACOVID), 2021424%1,072moderatenot evaluable death D28detailed resultsAlQahtani, 2020 0.47 [0.04; 5.69] ASCOT, 2021 0.60 [0.06; 5.99] Balcells, 2020 4.22 [0.33; 53.77] Bennett-Guerrero, 2021 0.86 [0.24; 3.11] Co-CLARITY, 2021 0.92 [0.02; 50.28] CONCOR-1, 2021 1.12 [0.86; 1.46] ConPlas-19, 2020 0.49 [0.20; 1.19] CONTAIN COVID-19, 2021 0.86 [0.60; 1.25] COPLA-II trial, 2020 1.17 [0.72; 1.92] DAWN-Plasma, 2021 0.99 [0.52; 1.88] Kirenga, 2021 1.25 [0.46; 3.39] Li, 2020 0.59 [0.22; 1.59] LIFESAVER, 2021 2.00 [0.16; 24.66] Menichetti, 2021 0.75 [0.37; 1.53] NCT04397757, 2021 0.15 [0.03; 0.75] NCT04403477 (two doses), 2021 0.53 [0.14; 2.01] NCT04528368, 2021 0.88 [0.02; 50.20] O’Donnell, 2021 0.47 [0.21; 1.06] PC/COVID-19, 2021 0.63 [0.11; 3.58] PERUCONPLASMA, 2021 0.36 [0.04; 3.13] PlasmAr, 2020 0.93 [0.47; 1.85] Pouladzadeh, 2021 0.31 [0.01; 10.20] RECOVER, 2021 1.09 [0.38; 3.13] RECOVERY (plasma), 2021 1.00 [0.93; 1.07] Sekine (PLACOVID), 2021 1.38 [0.73; 2.62] 0.99[0.93; 1.05]AlQahtani, 2020, ASCOT, 2021, Balcells, 2020, Bennett-Guerrero, 2021, Co-CLARITY, 2021, CONCOR-1, 2021, ConPlas-19, 2020, CONTAIN COVID-19, 2021, COPLA-II trial, 2020, DAWN-Plasma, 2021, Kirenga, 2021, Li, 2020, LIFESAVER, 2021, Menichetti, 2021, NCT04397757, 2021, NCT04403477 (two doses), 2021, NCT04528368, 2021, O’Donnell, 2021, PC/COVID-19, 2021, PERUCONPLASMA, 2021, PlasmAr, 2020, Pouladzadeh, 2021, RECOVER, 2021, RECOVERY (plasma), 2021, Sekine (PLACOVID), 2021250%16,724moderatecritical deathsdetailed resultsAlQahtani, 2020 0.47 [0.04; 5.69] ASCOT, 2021 0.60 [0.06; 5.99] Balcells, 2020 3.26 [0.62; 17.12] Baldeon, 2022 1.85 [0.49; 6.97] Bennett-Guerrero, 2021 0.80 [0.26; 2.45] CAPSID, 2021 0.84 [0.28; 2.50] CCAP-2, 2021 2.03 [0.61; 6.77] Co-CLARITY, 2021 0.92 [0.02; 50.28] CONCOR-1, 2021 1.02 [0.77; 1.36] ConCOVID (Gharbharan et al.), 2020 0.95 [0.20; 4.59] CONFIDENT, 2020 0.84 [0.52; 1.37] ConPlas-19, 2020 0.46 [0.19; 1.15] CONTAIN COVID-19, 2021 0.86 [0.60; 1.25] COP-COVID-19, 2021 0.96 [0.36; 2.56] COPLA-II trial, 2020 1.17 [0.72; 1.92] CP-COVID-19, 2021 3.20 [0.62; 16.39] DAWN-Plasma, 2021 0.99 [0.52; 1.88] Holm K, 2021 0.49 [0.08; 2.89] Kirenga, 2021 1.25 [0.46; 3.39] Li, 2020 0.59 [0.22; 1.59] Libster, 2020 0.50 [0.09; 2.71] LIFESAVER, 2021 2.00 [0.16; 24.66] Menichetti, 2021 0.75 [0.37; 1.53] NCT04385199, 2021 0.75 [0.15; 3.77] NCT04397757, 2021 0.15 [0.03; 0.75] NCT04403477 (two doses), 2021 0.53 [0.14; 2.01] NCT04442191, 2021 0.11 [0.00; 143.68] NCT04528368, 2021 0.88 [0.02; 50.20] O’Donnell, 2021 0.47 [0.21; 1.06] PC/COVID-19, 2021 0.63 [0.11; 3.58] PERUCONPLASMA, 2021 0.36 [0.04; 3.13] PlasmAr, 2020 0.93 [0.47; 1.85] Pouladzadeh, 2021 0.31 [0.01; 10.20] Rasheed, 2020 0.13 [0.01; 1.09] RECOVER, 2021 1.09 [0.38; 3.13] RECOVERY (plasma), 2021 1.00 [0.93; 1.07] REMAP-CAP (plasma), 2021 0.96 [0.80; 1.15] Sekine (PLACOVID), 2021 1.38 [0.73; 2.62] 0.98[0.92; 1.04]AlQahtani, 2020, ASCOT, 2021, Balcells, 2020, Baldeon, 2022, Bennett-Guerrero, 2021, CAPSID, 2021, CCAP-2, 2021, Co-CLARITY, 2021, CONCOR-1, 2021, ConCOVID (Gharbharan et al.), 2020, CONFIDENT, 2020, ConPlas-19, 2020, CONTAIN COVID-19, 2021, COP-COVID-19, 2021, COPLA-II trial, 2020, CP-COVID-19, 2021, DAWN-Plasma, 2021, Holm K, 2021, Kirenga, 2021, Li, 2020, Libster, 2020, LIFESAVER, 2021, Menichetti, 2021, NCT04385199, 2021, NCT04397757, 2021, NCT04403477 (two doses), 2021, NCT04442191, 2021, NCT04528368, 2021, O’Donnell, 2021, PC/COVID-19, 2021, PERUCONPLASMA, 2021, PlasmAr, 2020, Pouladzadeh, 2021, Rasheed, 2020, RECOVER, 2021, RECOVERY (plasma), 2021, REMAP-CAP (plasma), 2021, Sekine (PLACOVID), 2021380%19,932moderatecritical deaths (time to event analysis only)detailed resultsBalcells, 2020 3.26 [0.62; 17.12] Baldeon, 2022 1.85 [0.49; 6.97] Bennett-Guerrero, 2021 0.80 [0.26; 2.45] CONCOR-1, 2021 1.02 [0.77; 1.36] ConPlas-19, 2020 0.46 [0.19; 1.15] CP-COVID-19, 2021 3.20 [0.62; 16.39] DAWN-Plasma, 2021 0.99 [0.52; 1.88] PlasmAr, 2020 0.93 [0.47; 1.85] 1.01[0.77; 1.32]Balcells, 2020, Baldeon, 2022, Bennett-Guerrero, 2021, CONCOR-1, 2021, ConPlas-19, 2020, CP-COVID-19, 2021, DAWN-Plasma, 2021, PlasmAr, 202089%2,497moderatenot evaluable clinical deteriorationdetailed resultsBalcells, 2020 1.46 [0.44; 4.81] CAPSID, 2021 0.63 [0.29; 1.40] ConPlas-19, 2020 1.00 [0.65; 1.53] CONTAIN COVID-19, 2021 0.94 [0.75; 1.18] Kirenga, 2021 0.91 [0.38; 2.17] Libster, 2020 0.52 [0.29; 0.94] 0.89[0.74; 1.06]Balcells, 2020, CAPSID, 2021, ConPlas-19, 2020, CONTAIN COVID-19, 2021, Kirenga, 2021, Libster, 202061%1,415moderatenot evaluable clinical improvementdetailed resultsBalcells, 2020 0.91 [0.52; 1.60] Bennett-Guerrero, 2021 0.75 [0.21; 2.68] CAPSID, 2021 1.58 [0.71; 3.49] ConPlas-19, 2020 0.95 [0.60; 1.52] Li, 2020 1.40 [0.79; 2.49] O’Donnell, 2021 1.20 [0.87; 1.65] PlasmAr, 2020 0.81 [0.50; 1.31] Pouladzadeh, 2021 7.31 [1.62; 32.97] Sekine (PLACOVID), 2021 0.94 [0.74; 1.19] 1.07[0.87; 1.31]Balcells, 2020, Bennett-Guerrero, 2021, CAPSID, 2021, ConPlas-19, 2020, Li, 2020, O’Donnell, 2021, PlasmAr, 2020, Pouladzadeh, 2021, Sekine (PLACOVID), 2021931%1,197moderatenot evaluable clinical improvement (14-day)detailed resultsLi, 2020 2.27 [0.90; 5.72] 2.27[0.90; 5.72]Li, 202010%103NAnot evaluable clinical improvement (28-day)detailed resultsBennett-Guerrero, 2021 1.02 [0.25; 4.20] Li, 2020 1.42 [0.65; 3.10] O’Donnell, 2021 1.38 [0.73; 2.61] Pouladzadeh, 2021 7.31 [1.62; 32.97] Sekine (PLACOVID), 2021 0.94 [0.74; 1.19] 1.33[0.83; 2.14]Bennett-Guerrero, 2021, Li, 2020, O’Donnell, 2021, Pouladzadeh, 2021, Sekine (PLACOVID), 2021553%620moderatenot evaluable clinical improvement (7-day)detailed resultsLi, 2020 0.98 [0.27; 3.58] 0.98[0.27; 3.58]Li, 202010%103NAnot evaluable clinical improvement (time to event analysis only)detailed resultsBalcells, 2020 0.91 [0.52; 1.60] Bennett-Guerrero, 2021 0.75 [0.21; 2.68] ConPlas-19, 2020 0.95 [0.60; 1.52] Li, 2020 1.40 [0.79; 2.49] O’Donnell, 2021 1.20 [0.87; 1.65] PlasmAr, 2020 1.00 [0.76; 1.32] 1.06[0.90; 1.26]Balcells, 2020, Bennett-Guerrero, 2021, ConPlas-19, 2020, Li, 2020, O’Donnell, 2021, PlasmAr, 202060%873lownot evaluable death or ventilationdetailed resultsBalcells, 2020 0.67 [0.14; 3.26] CONCOR-1, 2021 1.16 [0.94; 1.43] ConPlas-19, 2020 0.94 [0.86; 1.02] DAWN-Plasma, 2021 1.01 [0.64; 1.59] Menichetti, 2021 0.88 [0.59; 1.32] RECOVERY (plasma), 2021 0.99 [0.93; 1.05] 0.98[0.93; 1.03]Balcells, 2020, CONCOR-1, 2021, ConPlas-19, 2020, DAWN-Plasma, 2021, Menichetti, 2021, RECOVERY (plasma), 202160%13,240moderatenot evaluable hospital dischargedetailed resultsConPlas-19, 2020 1.02 [0.82; 1.28] DAWN-Plasma, 2021 1.06 [0.87; 1.30] RECOVERY (plasma), 2021 0.99 [0.92; 1.07] 1.00[0.94; 1.07]ConPlas-19, 2020, DAWN-Plasma, 2021, RECOVERY (plasma), 202130%12,391moderatenot evaluable mechanical ventilationdetailed resultsAlQahtani, 2020 0.67 [0.22; 2.02] Balcells, 2020 2.98 [0.41; 21.61] COPLA-II trial, 2020 0.58 [0.37; 0.92] Holm K, 2021 0.39 [0.01; 12.68] NCT04397757, 2021 0.41 [0.13; 1.35] O’Donnell, 2021 1.50 [0.47; 4.82] PlasmAr, 2020 0.86 [0.39; 1.93] RECOVERY (plasma), 2021 0.98 [0.88; 1.09] 0.85[0.65; 1.10]AlQahtani, 2020, Balcells, 2020, COPLA-II trial, 2020, Holm K, 2021, NCT04397757, 2021, O’Donnell, 2021, PlasmAr, 2020, RECOVERY (plasma), 2021823%12,047moderatenot evaluable mechanical ventilation (time to event analysis only)detailed resultsCP-COVID-19, 2021 0.66 [0.25; 1.72] DAWN-Plasma, 2021 1.08 [0.65; 1.80] 0.97[0.62; 1.52]CP-COVID-19, 2021, DAWN-Plasma, 202120%583moderatenot evaluable viral clearance detailed resultsBalcells, 2020 2.66 [0.69; 10.20] CP-COVID-19, 2021 1.12 [0.16; 7.84] Salman, 2020 1.00 [0.02; 53.89] 1.91[0.66; 5.55]Balcells, 2020, CP-COVID-19, 2021, Salman, 202030%177lownot evaluable viral clearance by day 14detailed resultsCP-COVID-19, 2021 1.51 [0.33; 6.94] Kirenga, 2021 0.95 [0.76; 1.19] 0.96[0.77; 1.20]CP-COVID-19, 2021, Kirenga, 202120%225moderatenot evaluable viral clearance by day 7detailed resultsBalcells, 2020 2.66 [0.69; 10.20] Kirenga, 2021 0.87 [0.65; 1.16] Salman, 2020 1.00 [0.02; 53.89] 1.07[0.56; 2.05]Balcells, 2020, Kirenga, 2021, Salman, 2020321%205moderatenot evaluable ICU admissiondetailed resultsCP-COVID-19, 2021 0.82 [0.35; 1.91] Libster, 2020 0.33 [0.07; 1.58] 0.67[0.32; 1.41]CP-COVID-19, 2021, Libster, 202021%260moderatenot evaluable serious adverse eventsdetailed resultsBalcells, 2020 4.54 [0.20; 105.23] CONCOR-1, 2021 1.27 [1.02; 1.58] ConPlas-19, 2020 0.89 [0.43; 1.86] O’Donnell, 2021 0.64 [0.35; 1.17] PlasmAr, 2020 1.40 [0.78; 2.51] REMAP-CAP (plasma), 2021 2.28 [1.17; 4.46] Sekine (PLACOVID), 2021 1.14 [0.88; 1.48] 1.19[0.95; 1.50]Balcells, 2020, CONCOR-1, 2021, ConPlas-19, 2020, O’Donnell, 2021, PlasmAr, 2020, REMAP-CAP (plasma), 2021, Sekine (PLACOVID), 2021738%4,022moderatenot evaluable adverse eventsdetailed resultsKirenga, 2021 1.13 [0.50; 2.58] Sekine (PLACOVID), 2021 1.08 [0.85; 1.38] 1.08[0.86; 1.37]Kirenga, 2021, Sekine (PLACOVID), 202120%296moderatenot evaluable0.55.01.0relative treatment effectwww.metaEvidence.org2024-09-26 19:50 +02:00

TE: relative treatment effect (measured by a risk ratio, an odds ratio or an hazard ratio depending on what is reported in the papers); k: number of studies; n: total number of patients; ROB: risk of bias (ROB 2.0); Pub. bias: publication bias; OBS: observational studies; RCT: randomized clinical trials
studied treatment is better when TE > 1; studied treatment is better when TE < 1;

pathologies: 95,94,90,91 - treatments: 290,547,608,830,831,829,901,680,595,828,681,1209,833,629,689,543,617,625,859,511,960,546,564,944,682,1266,943,894,560,1102,598,563,668,753,752,836,639,541,534,581,615,679,522,582,666,1149,1150,737,544,733,597,524,611,538,957,958,521,566,517,881,904,882,897,896,899,1235,898,687,740,883,947,536,591,729,887,742,878,975,570,771,888,1141,690,880,1255,567,596,1437,600,652,557,635,1236,553,628,646,645,607,395,920,1438,927,932,931,1263,599,614,942,1436,928,923,535,1046,727,818,606,954,964,962,963,1045,638,677,627,533,526,616,926,1246,726,580,568,527,588,539,585,691,1210,525,843,827,1047,1048,819,545,1253,519,619,537,514,688,529,508,656,657,832,530,512,515,754,1142,1419,513,884,632,559,889,956,684,886,631,574,509,542,1145,555,554,941,961,1250,633,676,518,532,510,528,520,955,815,893,623,622,630,593,569,516,814,649,650,589,651,968,1245,610,751,747,695,548,970,594,565,879,1257,571,626,697,572,1234,586,573,540,592,930,949,838,698,934,735,929,948,946,945,587,655,1146,531,933,613,919,725,678,921,621,959,748,1348,1256,924,1243,925,658,699,612,552,590,891,605,892,722,618,609,551,834,763,922,935,620,1317,1265,824,766,857,1291,1088,1331,1330,1329,1344,1328,1327,979,822,762,805,950,757,761,806,758,826,755,821,1288,1287,1286,760,1284,802,765,1285,759,823,804,1264,764,858,835,1262,1290,1316,1341,1342,1343,825,803,1244,523,885,734,1439 - roots T: 290