published meta-analysis   sensitivity analysis   studies

Janssen AD26 vaccine (JNJ-78436735) in COVID-19 prophylaxis (excluding children) - Summary of results

OutcomeTE95% CInkI2ROBPub. bias deathsdetailed resultsENSEMBLE (COV3001), 0 0.19 [0.04; 0.81] 0.19[0.04; 0.81]ENSEMBLE (COV3001), 010%43,783NAnot evaluable hospitalizationdetailed resultsENSEMBLE (COV3001), 0 0.18 [0.03; 1.17] 0.18[0.03; 1.17]ENSEMBLE (COV3001), 010%43,783NAnot evaluable symptomatic Covid-19detailed resultsENSEMBLE (COV3001), 0 0.33 [0.27; 0.41] 0.33[0.27; 0.41]ENSEMBLE (COV3001), 010%39,058NAnot evaluable severe COVID-19 occurrencedetailed resultsENSEMBLE (COV3001), 0 0.23 [0.11; 0.48] 0.23[0.11; 0.48]ENSEMBLE (COV3001), 010%39,058NAnot evaluable ATE (Myocardial infarction or ischemic stroke)detailed resultsENSEMBLE (COV3001), 0 0.50 [0.12; 2.00] 0.50[0.12; 2.00]ENSEMBLE (COV3001), 010%43,783NAnot evaluable deep vein thrombosisdetailed resultsENSEMBLE (COV3001), 0 3.00 [0.61; 14.86] 3.00[0.61; 14.86]ENSEMBLE (COV3001), 010%43,783NAnot evaluable Guillain-Barré syndrome detailed resultsENSEMBLE (COV3001), 0 1.00 [0.06; 15.98] 1.00[0.06; 15.98]ENSEMBLE (COV3001), 010%43,783NAnot evaluable ischemic strokedetailed resultsENSEMBLE (COV3001), 0 0.67 [0.11; 3.99] 0.67[0.11; 3.99]ENSEMBLE (COV3001), 010%43,783NAnot evaluable Myocardial infarction detailed resultsENSEMBLE (COV3001), 0 1.00 [0.02; 50.39] 1.00[0.02; 50.39]ENSEMBLE (COV3001), 010%43,783NAnot evaluable pericarditis detailed resultsENSEMBLE (COV3001), 0 2.00 [0.07; 59.60] 2.00[0.07; 59.60]ENSEMBLE (COV3001), 010%43,783NAnot evaluable pulmonary embolismdetailed resultsENSEMBLE (COV3001), 0 4.00 [0.45; 35.79] 4.00[0.45; 35.79]ENSEMBLE (COV3001), 010%43,783NAnot evaluable venous thromboembolism detailed resultsENSEMBLE (COV3001), 0 2.75 [0.88; 8.64] 2.75[0.88; 8.64]ENSEMBLE (COV3001), 010%43,783NAnot evaluable cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST)detailed resultsENSEMBLE (COV3001), 0 2.00 [0.07; 59.60] 2.00[0.07; 59.60]ENSEMBLE (COV3001), 010%43,783NAnot evaluable appendicitisdetailed resultsENSEMBLE (COV3001), 0 1.20 [0.37; 3.93] 1.20[0.37; 3.93]ENSEMBLE (COV3001), 010%43,783NAnot evaluable Bell's palsydetailed resultsENSEMBLE (COV3001), 0 1.50 [0.25; 8.98] 1.50[0.25; 8.98]ENSEMBLE (COV3001), 010%43,783NAnot evaluable0.010.01.0relative treatment effectwww.metaEvidence.org2025-03-09 03:18 +01:00

TE: relative treatment effect (measured by a risk ratio, an odds ratio or an hazard ratio depending on what is reported in the papers); k: number of studies; n: total number of patients; ROB: risk of bias (ROB 2.0); Pub. bias: publication bias; OBS: observational studies; RCT: randomized clinical trials
studied treatment is better when TE > 1; studied treatment is better when TE < 1;

pathologies: 89 - treatments: 802 - roots T: 290