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COVID-19 mild to moderate meta-analysis

RCTivermectinplaceboCOVID 19 outpatients, COVID-19 mild to moderatelow
12/12 inconclusive
  • inconclusive 8 % decrease in viral clearance ,viral clearance by day 7 (PE) with a high degree of certainty due to low risk of bias
Espitia-Hernandez NRaivermectinstandard of careCOVID 19 outpatients, COVID-19 mild to moderateNA
28/7 uncontrolled
  • [uncontrolled] negative PCR on day 10: 100.0% (28/28)
Espitia-Hernandez NRaazithromycinstandard of careCOVID 19 outpatients, COVID-19 mild to moderateNA
28/7 uncontrolled
  • [uncontrolled] negative PCR on day 10: 100.0% (28/28)

COVID 19 outpatients meta-analysis

ACTIV-6 (ivermectine)
RCTivermectinplaceboCOVID 19 outpatientslow
602/604 inconclusive
    ACTIV 6 ivermectin
    RCTivermectinplaceboCOVID 19 outpatientslow
    817/774 inconclusive
      RCTfluvoxamineplaceboCOVID 19 outpatientslow
      674/614 inconclusive
      • inconclusive 4 % decrease in recovery (PE) with a high degree of certainty due to low risk of bias
      COVID-OUT (fluvoxamine)
      RCTfluvoxamineplaceboCOVID 19 outpatientssome concern
      334/327 inconclusive
      • inconclusive 6 % decrease in clinical deterioration (PE) with a moderate degree of certainty due to some concern in risk of bias
      COVID-OUT (ivermectin)
      RCTivermectinplaceboCOVID 19 outpatientssome concern
      410/398 inconclusive
        TOGETHER (ivermectine)
        RCTivermectinplaceboCOVID 19 outpatientslow
        679/679 inconclusive
        • inconclusive 10 % decrease in clinical deterioration (PE) with a high degree of certainty due to low risk of bias
        RCTazithromycinplaceboCOVID 19 outpatientssome concern
        171/92 inconclusive
        • inconclusive 1 % increase in clinical improvement (14-day) (PE) with a moderate degree of certainty due to some concern in risk of bias
        The original primary outcome was changed given the lower risk of hospitalization and slower than anticipated enrollment.
        RCTnirmatrelvir / ritonavir (Paxlovid)placeboCOVID 19 outpatientslow
        1120/1126 conclusif
        • demonstrated 88 % decrease in hospitalization or death (PE) with a high degree of certainty due to low risk of bias
        • suggested 96 % decrease in deaths,death D28 with a high degree of certainty due to low risk of bias
        • statistically significant 76 % increase in related AE (TRAE) with a high degree of certainty due to low risk of bias
        Based on laboratory studies only, Paxlovid is also expected to be active against Omicron and other variants.
        Fischer (all doses)
        RCTmolnupiravirplaceboCOVID 19 outpatientssome concern
        140/62 suggested
        • suggested 13.5-fold increase in viral clearance ,viral clearance by day 7 with a moderate degree of certainty due to some concern in risk of bias
        Hinks (ATOMIC2)
        RCTazithromycinstandard of careCOVID 19 outpatientssome concern
        147/148 inconclusive
        • inconclusive 9 % decrease in hospitalization or death (PE) with a moderate degree of certainty due to some concern in risk of bias
        RCTivermectinplaceboCOVID 19 outpatientssome concern
        200/200 inconclusive
        • inconclusive 7 % increase in clinical improvement,clinical improvement (time to event analysis only) (PE) with a moderate degree of certainty due to some concern in risk of bias
        RCTmolnupiravirplaceboCOVID 19 outpatientslow
        716/717 conclusif
        • demonstrated 52 % decrease in hospitalization or death (PE) with a high degree of certainty due to low risk of bias
        • suggested 51 % decrease in hospitalization with a high degree of certainty due to low risk of bias
        PINETREE (GS-US-540-9012)
        RCTremdesivirplaceboCOVID 19 outpatientslow
        292/292 conclusif
        • demonstrated 87 % decrease in hospitalization or death (PE) with a high degree of certainty due to low risk of bias
        • suggested 72 % decrease in hospitalization with a high degree of certainty due to low risk of bias
        RCTazithromycinstandard of careCOVID 19 outpatientssome concern
        540/875 inconclusive
        • inconclusive 8 % increase in clinical improvement,clinical improvement (time to event analysis only) (PE) with a moderate degree of certainty due to some concern in risk of bias
        • inconclusive 6 % decrease in hospitalization (PE) with a moderate degree of certainty due to some concern in risk of bias
        Reis (Lopinavir-ritonavir) (TOGETHER)
        RCTlopinavir/ritonavirplaceboCOVID 19 outpatientssome concern
        244/227 inconclusive
          Thomas (zinc only)
          RCTzincstandard of careCOVID 19 outpatientsNA
          58/50 inconclusive
            RCTfluvoxamineplaceboCOVID 19 outpatientssome concern
            741/756 suggested
            • suggested 36 % decrease in clinical deterioration,emergency room observation for > 6 hours or hospitalization (PE) with a moderate degree of certainty due to some concern in risk of bias
            Chowdhury A
            RCTivermectinhydroxychloroquine plus macrolidesCOVID 19 outpatientshigh
            60/56 no results
              Chowdhury A
              RCTdoxycyclinehydroxychloroquine plus macrolidesCOVID 19 outpatientshigh
              60/56 no results
                IVERCORCOVID19 (Vallejos)
                RCTivermectinplaceboCOVID 19 outpatientslow
                250/251 inconclusive
                • inconclusive 35 % decrease in hospitalization (PE) with a high degree of certainty due to low risk of bias
                Lenze (STOP COVID 1)
                RCTfluvoxamineplaceboCOVID 19 outpatientssome concern
                80/72 conclusif
                • demonstrated 93 % decrease in clinical deterioration (PE) with a moderate degree of certainty due to some concern in risk of bias
                Podder RCTivermectinstandard of careCOVID 19 outpatientshigh
                32/30 inconclusive
                  RCTsofosbuvir and daclatasvirstandard of careCOVID 19 outpatients
                  bias due to missing outcome data some concern
                  bias in measurement of the primary outcome some concern
                  bias in selection of the reported result some concern
                  " >some concern
                  30/30 inconclusive Chahla
                  NCT04784481 CRTivermectinstandard of careCOVID 19 outpatientshigh
                  110/144 suggested

                  PE: primary endpoint; (a): to be demonstrated a result must be statistically significant on a primary endpoint (with multiplicity adjustment if necessary);
                  Study risk of bias assessed for the study primary endpoint(s) or the main endpoints in case of no formally defined primary endpoint(s).