
Low Apgar score (< 7) (at 5 min)

R analysis
id Study   Lib. in paper Exposition period    Study type  Control type 
Tags OR 95%CI x1/n1 x0/n0 no cases no exposed ROB Ref.
Cluver, 2018 Apgar score < 7 at 5 min late pregnancy randomized controlled trial unexposed, sick Adjustment: Randomisation 0.13 [0.02;1.10] C 1/59   7/60 8 59
Total 1 studies 0.13 [0.02;1.10] 8 59
x1: number of endpoints among exposed, n1: number of exposed; x0: number of endpoints among non exposed, n0: number of non exposed; C: calculated odds ratio from numbers of events and effectives

Forest plot

StudyTE95% CIn casesn exposedweightROBABCDEF Cluver, 2018Cluver, 2018 0.13[0.02; 1.10]8590%ROB confusion: NAROB selection: NAROB classification: NAROB missing: NAROB mesure: NAROB reporting: NA0.02.01.0ROB: A: confusion, B: selection, C: classification, D: missing, E: measurement, F: reportinglow,moderate,serious,critical,unclear,

Sensitivity analysis

SubsetTE95% CIn casesn exposedkI2 Type of studies cohort studiescohort studies 0 case control studiescase control studies 0 RCTRCT 0.13[0.02; 1.10]859 -NACluver, 2018 1 Type of controls unexposed, sickunexposed, sick 0.13[0.02; 1.10]859 -NACluver, 2018 1 Tags Adjustment   - Randomisation  - Randomisation 0.13[0.02; 1.10]859 -NACluver, 2018 1 All studiesAll studies 0.13[0.02; 1.10]859 -NACluver, 2018

Publication bias and p-hacking diagnosis

funnel plot

Funnel plot not drawn. Less than 3 points.

Asymetry test p-value = NaN (by Egger's regression)

not enought points

p values plot

Funnel plot not drawn. Less than 3 points.

Sub-groups analysis using all included studies


Sub-groupsTE95% CIn casesn exposedkI2ROB type of controls unexposed, sick controlsunexposed, sick controls Out of scale0.13[0.02; 1.10]859 -NACluver, 2018 10.510.01.0