demonstrated suggested inconclusive safety concern ongoing study display ongoing demontrated benefit only observational study
COVID 19 hospitalized
COVID-19 mild to moderate
antiviral and associated therapy
azithromycin COALITION I Covid-19 Brazil ... Espitia-Hernandez Rashad A ...
azvudine Ren
bromhexine Li T
chloroquine and derivatives
chloroquine NCT04342650
hydroxychloroquine Zhaowei Chen Kamran Coalition Covid-19 Brazil I ... NCT04333654 FACCT Trial Min HC-nCoV ... Dubee
doxycycline Spoorthi
Ensitrelvir (XOCOVA) Mukae - Phase 2a
favipiravir NCT04542694 Holubar M IRCT20151227025726N14 // U07 Ruzhentsova T FACCT Trial Dabbous HM Shinkai Udwadia AVIFAVIR Solaymani-Dodaran Shenoy S
favipiravir plus interferon Khamis
hydroxychloroquine plus macrolides
azithromycin plus hydroxychloroquine Coalition Covid-19 Brazil I ...
ivermectin Espitia-Hernandez Bukhari Khan Kirti Abd-Elsalam Soto-Becerra Babalola Krolewiecki Spoorthi RIVET-COV ... Ahmed Chachar I-TECH ... Glorial F Chaccour Mayer Shahbaznejad
ivermectin plus doxycycline NCT04523831 ...
lopinavir/ritonavir ELACOI ...
lopinavir/ritonavir, ribavirin and interferon beta-1b Hung et al.
nitazoxanide Fontanesi Rocco Silva
remdesivir GS-US-540-5774, 5 days GS-US-540-5773 ... GS-US-540-5774, 10 days
sofosbuvir and ledipasvir Nourian A
umifenovir (arbidol) Yethindra ELACOI ...

39 studies excluded by filtering options 2

4899 ChiCTR2000029826 (Cancelled by the investigator), 0 210excludedrisk of bias not avaialble
4905 ChiCTR2000029975, 0 2300excludednot a RCTrisk of bias not avaialble
4987 CloroCOVID19, 2020 213excludedhigh risk of bias
5209 SIMPLE (Grein), 0 2300excludednot a RCTrisk of bias not avaialble
5210 Ye et al., 2020 2990excludednot a RCTrisk of bias not avaialble
5226 Duke university (Hydroxychloroquine), 2020 210excludedrisk of bias not avaialble
5259 Duke University azithromycin, 2020 210excludedrisk of bias not avaialble
5288 Barbosa, 2020 2130excludednot a RCTrisk of bias not avaialble
5300 Raquel, 2019 210excludedrisk of bias not avaialble
5303 Jacobson, 2016 210excludedrisk of bias not avaialble
5308 Sperber, 1995 210excludedrisk of bias not avaialble
5309 Paton, 2012 210excludedrisk of bias not avaialble
5351 Mallat, 2020 2130excludednot a RCTrisk of bias not avaialble
5374 Million, 2020 2300excludednot a RCTrisk of bias not avaialble
5375 Mehra, 2020 2133excludednot a RCThigh risk of bias
5375 Mehra, 2020 2133excludednot a RCThigh risk of bias
5416 Guerin, 2020 2314excludednot a RCThigh risk of bias
5416 Guerin, 2020 2314excludednot a RCThigh risk of bias
5521 Del Amo, 2020 200excludedrisk of bias not avaialble
6080 IDEA, 2020 2100excludednot a RCTrisk of bias not avaialble
6083 IFORS (Pott-Junior), 2020 213excludedhigh risk of bias
6096 Elgazzar - treatment, 2020 213excludedhigh risk of bias
6097 Elgazzar - prophylaxis, 2020 213excludedhigh risk of bias
6098 Patel, 2020 2100excludednot a RCTrisk of bias not avaialble
6134 Morgenstern, 2020 2300excludednot a RCTrisk of bias not avaialble
6184 Erdem, 2020 2110excludednot a RCTrisk of bias not avaialble
6262 Yamamura, 2020 2300excludednot a RCTrisk of bias not avaialble
6267 Murohashi, 2020 2100excludednot a RCTrisk of bias not avaialble
6339 Delliere, 2020 2130excludednot a RCTrisk of bias not avaialble
6368 Niaee (vs placebo), 2020 213excludedhigh risk of bias
6374 NCT04425850 (Caravallo), 2020 2310excludednot a RCTrisk of bias not avaialble
6375 Cadegiani -Iver, 2020 2990excludednot a RCTrisk of bias not avaialble
6379 Chamie-Quintero,, 2020 2150excludednot a RCTrisk of bias not avaialble
6526 Dabbous, 2021 213excludedhigh risk of bias
6625 Nasir, 2020 2310excludednot a RCTrisk of bias not avaialble
6625 Nasir, 2020 2310excludednot a RCTrisk of bias not avaialble
7314 Samaha, 2021 213excludedhigh risk of bias
7995 Hazan, 2021 2320excludednot a RCTrisk of bias not avaialble
10322 Elgazzar, 0 200excludedrisk of bias not avaialble