
Preterm (< 37 weeks)

R analysis
id Study   Lib. in paper Exposition period    Study type  Control type 
Tags OR 95%CI x1/n1 x0/n0 no cases no exposed ROB Ref.
Spielmann (Control mainly exposed other treatments, sick), 2017 Preterm (<37 weeks) during pregnancy (anytime or not specified) prospective cohort exposed to other treatment, sick excluded Adjustment: Yes 1.30 [0.70;2.50]
excluded (control group)
37/364   43/426 80 364
Spielmann (Control unexposed, disease free), 2017 Preterm (<37 weeks) during pregnancy (anytime or not specified) prospective cohort unexposed, disease free Adjustment: Yes 1.01 [0.70;1.50] 37/364   155/1,518 192 364
Wood 2016a (Control exposed only before pregnancy), 2016 Preterm during pregnancy (anytime or not specified) prospective cohort unexposed, sick Adjustment: No 0.87 [0.48;1.58] C 16/396   37/798 53 396
Wood 2016a (Control mainly exposed to other treatments, sick), 2016 Preterm during pregnancy (anytime or not specified) prospective cohort exposed to other treatment, sick excluded Adjustment: Yes 0.83 [0.49;1.41] C
excluded (control group)
16/396   158/3,291 174 396
Wood 2016a (Control unexposed, disease free), 2016 Preterm during pregnancy (anytime or not specified) prospective cohort unexposed, disease free excluded Adjustment: No 0.87 [0.53;1.44] C
excluded (control group)
16/396   1,688/36,688 1,704 396
Nezvalová-Henriksen (Control unexposed, disease free), 2013 Gestational age < 37 weeks during pregnancy (anytime or not specified) population based cohort retrospective unexposed, disease free excluded Adjustment: Yes 0.78 [0.63;0.96]
excluded (control group)
92/1,465   13,013/178,565 13,105 1,465
Nezvalová-Henriksen (Control unexposed, sick), 2013 Gestational age < 37 weeks during pregnancy (anytime or not specified) population based cohort retrospective unexposed, sick Adjustment: No 0.61 [0.46;0.82] C 92/1,465   108/1,095 200 1,465
Bérard, 2012 Prematurity (<37 weeks of gestation) during pregnancy (anytime or not specified) nested case control unexposed, disease free Adjustment: Yes 0.76 [0.34;1.66] 7/139   3,934/59,568 3,941 139
Källén (control unexposed, disease free), 2011 Preterm births (<37 wk) 2nd and/or 3rd trimester population based cohort propective unexposed, disease free Adjustment: No 1.31 [1.03;1.67] 72/-   -/- - -
Olesen - Sumatriptan (Control unexposed, disease free), 2000 Preterm delivery (< 37 weeks) during pregnancy (anytime or not specified) retrospective cohort (claims database) unexposed, disease free excluded Adjustment: Yes 3.30 [1.30;8.50]
excluded (control group)
5/34   950/15,995 955 34
Olesen - Sumatriptan (Control unexposed, sick), 2000 Preterm delivery (< 37 weeks) during pregnancy (anytime or not specified) retrospective cohort (claims database) unexposed, sick Adjustment: Yes 6.30 [1.20;32.00] 5/34   3/89 8 34
Shuhaiber - Sumatriptan (Control exposed to other treatments), 1998 Gestational age < 37 during pregnancy (anytime or not specified) prospective cohort exposed to other treatment, sick excluded Adjustment: No 0.50 [0.20;1.24] C
excluded (control group)
8/82   16/90 24 82
Shuhaiber - Sumatriptan (Control unexposed, disease free), 1998 Gestational age < 37 during pregnancy (anytime or not specified) prospective cohort unexposed, disease free Adjustment: No 1.86 [0.58;5.93] C 8/82   5/91 13 82
Total 7 studies 1.03 [0.71;1.48] 4,407 2,480
x1: number of endpoints among exposed, n1: number of exposed; x0: number of endpoints among non exposed, n0: number of non exposed; C: calculated odds ratio from numbers of events and effectives

Forest plot

StudyTE95% CIn casesn exposedweightROBABCDEF Spielmann (Control unexposed, disease free), 2017Spielmann, 2017 1 1.01[0.70; 1.50]19236419%ROB confusion: NAROB selection: NAROB classification: NAROB missing: NAROB mesure: NAROB reporting: NA Wood 2016a (Control exposed only before pregnancy), 2016Wood 2016a, 2016 2 0.87[0.48; 1.58]5339615%ROB confusion: NAROB selection: NAROB classification: NAROB missing: NAROB mesure: NAROB reporting: NA Nezvalová-Henriksen (Control unexposed, sick), 2013Nezvalová-Henriksen, 2013 3 0.61[0.46; 0.82]2001,46521%ROB confusion: NAROB selection: NAROB classification: NAROB missing: NAROB mesure: NAROB reporting: NA Bérard, 2012Bérard, 2012 0.76[0.34; 1.66]3,94113911%ROB confusion: NAROB selection: NAROB classification: NAROB missing: NAROB mesure: NAROB reporting: NA Källén (control unexposed, disease free), 2011Källén, 2011 4 1.31[1.03; 1.67]--22%ROB confusion: NAROB selection: NAROB classification: NAROB missing: NAROB mesure: NAROB reporting: NA Olesen - Sumatriptan (Control unexposed, sick), 2000Olesen - Sumatriptan, 2000 5 6.30[1.20; 32.00]8344%ROB confusion: NAROB selection: NAROB classification: NAROB missing: NAROB mesure: NAROB reporting: NA Shuhaiber - Sumatriptan (Control unexposed, disease free), 1998Shuhaiber - Sumatriptan, 1998 6 1.86[0.58; 5.93]13827%ROB confusion: NAROB selection: NAROB classification: NAROB missing: NAROB mesure: NAROB reporting: NA Total (7 studies) I2 = 73% 1.03[0.71; 1.48]4,4072,4800.220.01.0ROB: A: confusion, B: selection, C: classification, D: missing, E: measurement, F: reportinglow,moderate,serious,critical,unclear,

1: Control unexposed, disease free; 2: Control exposed only before pregnancy; 3: Control unexposed, sick; 4: control unexposed, disease free; 5: Control unexposed, sick; 6: Control unexposed, disease free;

Sensitivity analysis

SubsetTE95% CIn casesn exposedkI2 Type of studies cohort studiescohort studies 1.07[0.72; 1.61]4662,34177%NASpielmann (Control unexposed, disease free), 2017 Wood 2016a (Control exposed only before pregnancy), 2016 Nezvalová-Henriksen (Control unexposed, sick), 2013 Källén (control unexposed, disease free), 2011 Olesen - Sumatriptan (Control unexposed, sick), 2000 Shuhaiber - Sumatriptan (Control unexposed, disease free), 1998 6 case control studiescase control studies 0.76[0.34; 1.68]3,941139 -NABérard, 2012 1 Type of controls unexposed (disease free or unspecified)unexposed (disease free or unspecified) 1.19[0.97; 1.46]4,1465854%NASpielmann (Control unexposed, disease free), 2017 Bérard, 2012 Källén (control unexposed, disease free), 2011 Shuhaiber - Sumatriptan (Control unexposed, disease free), 1998 4 unexposed, sickunexposed, sick 1.00[0.46; 2.17]2611,89576%NAWood 2016a (Control exposed only before pregnancy), 2016 Nezvalová-Henriksen (Control unexposed, sick), 2013 Olesen - Sumatriptan (Control unexposed, sick), 2000 3 Tags Adjustment   - No  - No 0.98[0.59; 1.62]2661,94382%NAWood 2016a (Control exposed only before pregnancy), 2016 Nezvalová-Henriksen (Control unexposed, sick), 2013 Källén (control unexposed, disease free), 2011 Shuhaiber - Sumatriptan (Control unexposed, disease free), 1998 4   - Yes  - Yes 1.21[0.57; 2.60]4,14153762%NASpielmann (Control unexposed, disease free), 2017 Bérard, 2012 Olesen - Sumatriptan (Control unexposed, sick), 2000 3 All studiesAll studies 1.03[0.71; 1.48]4,4072,48073%NASpielmann (Control unexposed, disease free), 2017 Wood 2016a (Control exposed only before pregnancy), 2016 Nezvalová-Henriksen (Control unexposed, sick), 2013 Bérard, 2012 Källén (control unexposed, disease free), 2011 Olesen - Sumatriptan (Control unexposed, sick), 2000 Shuhaiber - Sumatriptan (Control unexposed, disease free), 1998

Publication bias and p-hacking diagnosis

funnel plot
0.0- (Control unexposed, disease free), 2017Wood 2016a (Control exposed only before pregnancy), 2016Nezvalová-Henriksen (Control unexposed, sick), 2013Bérard, 2012Källén (control unexposed, disease free), 2011Olesen - Sumatriptan (Control unexposed, sick), 2000Shuhaiber - Sumatriptan (Control unexposed, disease free), 1998

Asymetry test p-value = 0.5894 (by Egger's regression)

slope=-0.1767 (0.3164); intercept=0.8691 (1.5082); t=0.5763; p=0.5894

p values plot

Sub-groups analysis using all included studies

excluded 3595, 3597, 3492, 3539, 3538, 3510

Sub-groupsTE95% CIn casesn exposedkI2ROB type of controls unexposed controls (disease free or unspecified)unexposed controls (disease free or unspecified) 1.08[0.81; 1.45]19,9732,48067%NASpielmann (Control unexposed, disease free), 2017 Wood 2016a (Control unexposed, disease free), 2016 Nezvalová-Henriksen (Control unexposed, disease free), 2013 Bérard, 2012 Källén (control unexposed, disease free), 2011 Olesen - Sumatriptan (Control unexposed, disease free), 2000 Shuhaiber - Sumatriptan (Control unexposed, disease free), 1998 7 unexposed, sick controlsunexposed, sick controls 1.00[0.46; 2.17]2611,89576%NAWood 2016a (Control exposed only before pregnancy), 2016 Nezvalová-Henriksen (Control unexposed, sick), 2013 Olesen - Sumatriptan (Control unexposed, sick), 2000 3 exposed to other treatment, sick controlsexposed to other treatment, sick controls 0.88[0.55; 1.40]27884233%NASpielmann (Control mainly exposed other treatments, sick), 2017 Wood 2016a (Control mainly exposed to other treatments, sick), 2016 Shuhaiber - Sumatriptan (Control exposed to other treatments), 1998 30.510.01.0