Diltiazem (versus unexposed)

Exposed non-exposed, cohort studies

Study Country
Study period
Study design
Data source Exposure definition Non-exposure definition Exposition period Sample size
(exposed/unexposed) Or (case / control)
Remarks Risk of bias
Finland, France, Germany, Israel, Italy, the Netherlands.
1986 - 2003
prospective cohort
A multicenter (n = 11), prospective observational study of the European Network of Teratology Information Services (ENTIS). Pregnant women with first- trimester exposure to Diltiazem. unexposed (general population or NOS)
Pregnant women who had been counseled during pregnancy about exposures known to be non-teratogenic.
at least 1st trimester 41 / 806
A similarly structured questionnaire was used by all the centres to record the following data at the first contact during (early) pregnancy before the pregnancy outcome was known, including details of drug exposure (timing in pregnancy, dose, and duration).

Case-control studies

Study Country
Study period
Study design
Data source Case Control Exposition Exposition period Sample size
(exposed/unexposed) Or (case / control)
Remarks Risk of bias

Risk of bias: : NA;   : low;   : moderate;   : serious;   : critical;   : unclear;  

Empty. There are no case-control studies available for this drug.

master protocol