meta|Preg does not cover all molecules at the moment. Here is the list of those that are available.
Calcium channel blockers (versus unexposed)
Isradipine (versus exposed to other treatments)
Carbimazole, Thiamazole (Methimazole)
Thiouracil, propylthiouracil, benzylthiouracil
Tenofovir (all routes except local)
Interferon beta 1a (IFN-beta1a)
Interferon beta 1b (IFN-beta1b)
Methotrexate (Post-conception)
Methotrexate (Pre-conception only)
Acetazolamide (All indications)
Clomethiazol (Epilepsy = All indications)
Piracetam (Epilepsy = All indications)
Hydroxychloroquine (All indications except Antiphospholipid Syndrom)
Hydroxychloroquine (Indication Antiphospholipid Syndrom)