
Table   Graphic     exposition period:

Congenital malformations
Adverse outcome OR 95%CII2k No. casesNo. exposedpublication biasROBE-value
All congenital malformations (majors, minors, majors and minors, or unspecified)0.99 [0.85, 1.15]0%4 studies57,1464,397not evaluable ROB-
Major congenital malformations0.97 [0.81, 1.17]0%4 studies39,0574,392not evaluable ROB-
Congenital heart defects1.32 [0.61, 2.88]57%2 studies13,7072,839not evaluable ROB-
Minor congenital malformations0.68 [0.06, 8.05]66%2 studies46387not evaluable ROB-
Eye defects--0 study-
Urinary malformations--0 study-
Abdominal wall defects--0 study-
Ear, face and neck anomalies--0 study-
Other anomalies/syndromes (non chromosomal)--0 study-
Respiratory system anomalies--0 study-
8 non statistically significant endpoints reported in only one study

Growth parameters and prematurity
Adverse outcome OR 95%CII2k No. casesNo. exposedpublication biasROBE-value
Preterm (< 37 weeks)1.03 [0.71, 1.48]73%7 studies4,4072,480not evaluable ROB-
Low birth weight (< 2500g)0.92 [0.71, 1.19]0%5 studies3,5622,692not evaluable ROB-
Small for gestational age (weight)1.08 [0.85, 1.38]0%2 studies2991,861not evaluable ROB-
1 non statistically significant endpoints reported in only one study

Maternal consequences
Adverse outcome OR 95%CII2k No. casesNo. exposedpublication biasROBE-value
Preeclampsia1.25 [0.73, 2.14]73%3 studies2752,183not evaluable ROB-
4 non statistically significant endpoints reported in only one study

Neonatal disorders
Adverse outcome OR 95%CII2k No. casesNo. exposedpublication biasROBE-value
2 non statistically significant endpoints reported in only one study

Intrauterine deaths
Adverse outcome OR 95%CII2k No. casesNo. exposedpublication biasROBE-value
Early intrauterine death (< 22 weeks)1.64 [0.94, 2.86]66%4 studies5,012686not evaluable ROB-
Elective/induced termination of pregnancy1.11 [0.42, 2.98]15%2 studies108508not evaluable ROB-
Late intrauterine deaths (> 22 weeks)0.65 [0.11, 3.86]0%2 studies7508not evaluable ROB-
3 non statistically significant endpoints reported in only one study