Moens (Controls exposed to TNFi), 2020
retrospective cohort
Information from Vedolizumab pregnancies was collected through a structured electronic case report form (CRF) that had to be filled out by the treating gastroenterologist, including dose and duration of VDZ therapy, other IBD medications during pregnancy.
Information from Vedolizumab pregnancies was collected through a structured electronic case report form (CRF) that had to be filled out by the treating gastroenterologist (that were requested to contact the patients, general practitioners, paediatricians or other colleagues).
Moens (Controls unexposed, sick), 2020
retrospective cohort
Information from Vedolizumab pregnancies was collected through a structured electronic case report form (CRF) that had to be filled out by the treating gastroenterologist, including dose and duration of VDZ therapy, other IBD medications during pregnancy.
Information from Vedolizumab pregnancies was collected through a structured electronic case report form (CRF) that had to be filled out by the treating gastroenterologist (that were requested to contact the patients, general practitioners, paediatricians or other colleagues).