Study Type of data Exposure measurement Outcome assessment Adjustment
Källén (control exposed to ergots), 2011 population based cohort propective Pregnant women who attend antenatal clinics in Sweden (which the vast majority do) are interviewed by a midwife and asked about drugs used since the pregnancy started. This interview is usually made before the end of the first trimester (usually between weeks 10 and 12 of pregnancy). The outcomes were ascertained from multiple sources: the paediatric form of the Medical Birth Register, the Register of Birth Defects and the Patient Register. No adjustment for this control group.
Källén (control unexposed, disease free), 2011 population based cohort propective Pregnant women who attend antenatal clinics in Sweden (which the vast majority do) are interviewed by a midwife and asked about drugs used since the pregnancy started. This interview is usually made before the end of the first trimester (usually between weeks 10 and 12 of pregnancy). The outcomes were ascertained from multiple sources: the paediatric form of the Medical Birth Register, the Register of Birth Defects and the Patient Register. No adjustment for this group of exposure.
Nezvalová-Henriksen (Control unexposed, disease free), 2013 population based cohort retrospective The Norwegian Prescription Database (NorPD) was the source of information on the individual triptan prescriptions. The timing of triptan redemption, in gestational weeks, was determined by the number of weeks from the onset of pregnancy to the date the prescription was redeemed. The medical birth registry of Norway where data are collected via obligatory standardised forms by trained health personnel during medical check-ups during pregnancy and during the delivery and the subsequent hospital stay. The confounding factors included, among others, maternal age, pregnancy complications, prescribed poten- tially teratogenic drugs during pregnancy, other co-medication during pregnancy, and for some outcomes delivery complications
Nezvalová-Henriksen (Control unexposed, sick), 2013 population based cohort retrospective The Norwegian Prescription Database (NorPD) was the source of information on the individual triptan prescriptions. The timing of triptan redemption, in gestational weeks, was determined by the number of weeks from the onset of pregnancy to the date the prescription was redeemed. The medical birth registry of Norway where data are collected via obligatory standardised forms by trained health personnel during medical check-ups during pregnancy and during the delivery and the subsequent hospital stay. No adjustment with this control group

master protocol