Study Type of data Exposure measurement Outcome assessment Adjustment
Källén (control exposed to ergots), 2011 population based cohort propective Pregnant women who attend antenatal clinics in Sweden (which the vast majority do) are interviewed by a midwife and asked about drugs used since the pregnancy started. This interview is usually made before the end of the first trimester (usually between weeks 10 and 12 of pregnancy). The outcomes were ascertained from multiple sources: the paediatric form of the Medical Birth Register, the Register of Birth Defects and the Patient Register. No adjustment for this control group.
Källén (control unexposed, disease free), 2011 population based cohort propective Pregnant women who attend antenatal clinics in Sweden (which the vast majority do) are interviewed by a midwife and asked about drugs used since the pregnancy started. This interview is usually made before the end of the first trimester (usually between weeks 10 and 12 of pregnancy). The outcomes were ascertained from multiple sources: the paediatric form of the Medical Birth Register, the Register of Birth Defects and the Patient Register. No adjustment for this group of exposure.

master protocol