Study Type of data Exposure measurement Outcome assessment Adjustment
Spielmann (Control mainly exposed other treatments, sick), 2017 prospective cohort All data are recorded using structured questionnaires via phone interview and/or as a written form. Structured questionnaire administered via phone interview and/or as a written form, notably on gestational age at birth, weight, length, head circumference, Apgar score, umbilical artery pH, birth defects, postnatal disorders, pregnancy loss. Medical reports requested in cases of birth defects. No adjustment for this group of exposure.
Spielmann (Control unexposed, disease free), 2017 prospective cohort All data are recorded using structured questionnaires via phone interview and/or as a written form. Structured questionnaire administered via phone interview and/or as a written form, notably on gestational age at birth, weight, length, head circumference, Apgar score, umbilical artery pH, birth defects, postnatal disorders, pregnancy loss. Medical reports requested in cases of birth defects. No adjustment for this group of exposure.

master protocol