
Exposed non-exposed studies (cohort)

Study Country
Study period
Population source Exposure definition Non-exposure definition Sample size Rmk
Moens (Controls exposed to TNFi), 2020 Europe
2009 - 2018
Pregnant women with inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) treated or not. Pregnancies exposed to Vedolizumab. exposed to other treatment, sick
Pregnancies exposed to anti‐TNF.
79 / 186 Three (4%) women initiated VDZ treatment after conception.
Moens (Controls unexposed, sick), 2020 Europe
2009 - 2018
Pregnant women with inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) treated or not. Pregnancies exposed to Vedolizumab. unexposed, sick
Pregnancies that were not exposed to biologics nor to immunomodulatory drugs.
79 / 184 Three (4%) women initiated VDZ treatment after conception.

Case-control studies (cohort)

Study Country
Study period
Case Control Sample size Rmk

master protocol