Amlodipine (versus unexposed)

Exposed non-exposed studies (cohort)

Study Country
Study period
Population source Exposure definition Non-exposure definition Sample size Rmk
Ishikawa (Controls unexposed, disease free), 2023 Japan
2010 - 2019
Pregnant women with chronic hypertension Pregnant women with chronic hypertension and prescribed Amlodipine in the first trimester. unexposed, disease free
Pregnant women without hypertensive disorders in the first trimester.
44 / 74213
Ishikawa (Controls unexposed, sick), 2023 Japan
2010 - 2019
Pregnant women with chronic hypertension Pregnant women with chronic hypertension and prescribed Amlodipine in the first trimester. unexposed, sick
Pregnant women chronic hypertension but no first-trimester antihypertensive prescriptions.
44 / 1007
Mito, 2019 Japan
2008 - 2016
Pregnant women with chronic hypertension (systolic blood pressure ≥140 mm Hg or a diastolic blood pressure ≥90 mm Hg before pregnancy or before 20 weeks' gestation) whose deliveries resulted in live births. Chronic hypertensive pregnant women who received Amlodipine, a calcium channel blocker during the first trimester (from estimated conception to 11 weeks and 6 days’ gestation). unexposed, sick
Chronic hypertensive pregnant women who did not receive any antihypertensive drugs.
48 / 129 Data versus Group O (pregnancies exposed to antihypertensives other than amlodipine (including other calcium channel blockers)) cannot be used, because calcium channel blockers in both groups.
Weber-Schoendorfer, 2008 Finland, France, Germany, Israel, Italy, the Netherlands.
1986 - 2003
Pregnant women who or whose physician contacted a Teratology Information Service (TIS) in regard to exposure to chemicals or drugs during pregnancy. Pregnant women with first- trimester exposure to Amlodipine. unexposed (general population or NOS)
Pregnant women who had been counseled during pregnancy about exposures known to be non-teratogenic.
38 / 806

Case-control studies (cohort)

Study Country
Study period
Case Control Sample size Rmk

master protocol