Nifedipine (versus unexposed)

Exposed non-exposed, cohort studies

Study Country
Study period
Study design
Data source Exposure definition Non-exposure definition Exposition period Sample size
(exposed/unexposed) Or (case / control)
Remarks Risk of bias
1992 - 1994
randomized controlled trial
A randomised multicentre clinical trial, in 33 obstetric and nephrology centres, Gruppo di Studio Ipertensione in Gravidanza, Italy. Children born to women with hypertension randomly assigned to slow-release nifedipine, starting from 10 mg twice daily (increased up to 80 mg daily, if necessary). unexposed, sick
Children born to women with hypertension randomly assigned to no treatment.
2nd and/or 3rd trimester 130 / 130 Methods completed with the 1st publication of this clinical trial: Parazzini et al., 1998. For all malformations: overlapping between Parazzini et al., 1998 and Bortolus 2000 => use of the 1st one because it is based on a higher number of babies.
Eligible women were randomly assigned treatment group. Group allocation was done by telephone to the Istituto Mario Negri in Bergamo. The randomisation list was generated by computer. Separate randomisation lists were used for each centre and type of hypertension.
1992 - 1994
randomized controlled trial
A randomised multicentre clinical trial, in 33 obstetric and nephrology centres, Gruppo di Studio Ipertensione in Gravidanza, Italy. Pregnant women with hypertension randomly assigned to slow-release nifedipine, starting from 10 mg twice daily (increased up to 80 mg daily, if necessary). unexposed, sick
Pregnant women with hypertension randomly assigned to no treatment.
2nd and/or 3rd trimester 145 / 138 For all malformations: overlapping between Parazzini et al., 1998 and Bortolus 2000 => use of the 1st one because it is based on a higher number of babies.
Eligible women were randomly assigned treatment group. Group allocation was done by telephone to the Istituto Mario Negri in Bergamo. The randomisation list was generated by computer. Separate randomisation lists were used for each centre and type of hypertension.
Finland, France, Germany, Israel, Italy, the Netherlands.
1986 - 2003
prospective cohort
A multicenter (n = 11), prospective observational study of the European Network of Teratology Information Services (ENTIS). Pregnant women with first- trimester exposure to Nifedipine. unexposed (general population or NOS)
Pregnant women who had been counseled during pregnancy about exposures known to be non-teratogenic.
at least 1st trimester 76 / 806
A similarly structured questionnaire was used by all the centres to record the following data at the first contact during (early) pregnancy before the pregnancy outcome was known, including details of drug exposure (timing in pregnancy, dose, and duration).

Case-control studies

Study Country
Study period
Study design
Data source Case Control Exposition Exposition period Sample size
(exposed/unexposed) Or (case / control)
Remarks Risk of bias
1980 - 1996
case control
The Hungarian Case-Control Surveillance of Congenital Abnormalities (HCCSCA). Newborn infants (including infant deaths and usual stillborn fetuses) with isolated Oesophageal Atresia. Newborn infants (including infant deaths and usual stillborn fetuses) without congenital abnormalities. Exposure data collected from 3 sources: a post-paid structured questionnaire sent to the parents requesting drugs taken during pregnancy, according to gestational months; maternal prenatal care logbook (in which obstetricians must record all prescribed drugs); nurses visited non-responding families. 1st trimester, during pregnancy (anytime or not specified) 221 / 356 Study design completed with other studies published on the Hungarian Case-Control Surveillance of Congenital Abnormalities (HCCSCA). Cases with multiple/syndromic Oesophageal Atresia were excluded from the study.
The Hungarian Congenital Abnormality Registry (HCAR), in which notification by physicians of cases with Congenital anomalies is mandatory (including infant deaths and usual stillborn fetuses). Controls were selected from the National Birth Registry of the Central Statistical Office.
2001- 2006
case control
The Institute of Human Genetics of the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, an active member of the Latin-American Collaborative Study of Congenital Malformations (ECLAMC) which is an international registry of congenital malformations . All newborns and stillborns of weight >500 g that presented only one craniofacial malformation, not associated with any other congenital condition. The next non-malformed same sex child born in the same hospital. Information collected in 10 Colombian hospitals (NOS). during pregnancy (anytime or not specified) 374 / 728 Exclusion of patients with Down syndrome, Potter sequence, VACTERL association, and other unspecified multiple malformations.
Information collected in 10 Colombian hospitals (NOS).

Risk of bias: : NA;   : low;   : moderate;   : serious;   : critical;   : unclear;  

master protocol